Aug 11, 2016
On this episode of Ron’s Amazing Stories Jim Harold, podcast mogul and author, is here to tell us about his brand new book. What is it? I just can’t wait to tell ya. Also, we will share an OTR story that is consistently cited as one of the most terrifying programs broadcast during radio's Golden Age. It ain't no joke!
Jim began podcasting in 2005 starting with his signature show the Paranormal Podcast. He has since branched out and created his campfire program and paranormal plus network. Jim also has written four books with a fifth coming out this October. He just released an Adult Coloring Book based on his listeners call-ins. His free programs include: The Paranormal Podcast – Serious interviews with newsmakers in paranormal studies (audio). Jim’s first and most downloaded program. Jim Harold’s Campfire – Listeners talk about their supernatural experiences (audio). His books are based on the show and are available at most bookstores. Jim Harold on FaceBook Jim Harold on Twitter
The House in Cypress Canyon, is an episode of the American radio series Suspense. Written by Robert L. Richards, produced and directed by William Spier, It was originally broadcast December 5, 1946. The plot is presented as a "story within a story," framed by a meeting between detective Sam Spade (played by Howard Duff) and a friend who has discovered the manuscript regarding the mysterious house. After a brief introduction, the narrative shifts to the story presented in the manuscript.