Apr 9, 2020
On Ron’s Amazing Stories this time we explore the world of the Orb and tell its story. We have four listeners' tales on the subject, an old-time radio personality that plays one, and we end with a news story from 2013 about the Teotihuacans who used them. So, get ready to be amazed and press that play button.
Featured Story - Ham Spade, Private Orb
Our featured story is a story within a program called The Henry Morgan Show. It is quite humorous and doesn’t really have anything to do with Orbs. It comes from Henry’s old-time radio series. The episode titled Ham Spade, Private Orb and it first aired on April 25, 1950.
Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at audibletrial.com/ronsamazingstories and Gladdy’s Goodies - Good Treats for your dog to eat.
Ron’s Amazing Stories is produced and hosted by Ronald Hood:
Email: ronsamazingstories@gmail.com
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