Jul 1, 2021
On Ron’s Amazing Stories we have a replay of an episode from 2019. We have a total of seven stories all from you guys. We have everything from bigfoot to time slips. We have a ghost at a museum, a cryptid who hitchhikes, and we even head to Yosemite National Park. Also, what show would be complete without a shadow creature. So, put on your favorite headphones and settle in for one heck of a ride.
Program Note: This program originally aired August 19th, 2019
The Stories include: Very Loud Noises, My Day at LBJ, Living with Loss, The Devil Was Up There, Gigantopithecus, The Ghost Of Andrew, The Truck Stop, and The Yosemite Possession.
Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at audibletrial.com/ronsamazingstories and Gladdy’s Goodies - Good Treats for your dog to eat.
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