Aug 19, 2014
On the program this week Orson Welles makes is way back to the show hitchhiking on an excellent episode of Suspense. We have an update on the very first contest in history of Ron’s Amazing Stories and an announcement about the fifth episode of the Horror Express.
I have had the story for this show in the queue for a long time. I have not got around to playing it because I thought for sure that I had the plot all figured out. I could not have been more wrong! I guess I should have known better. After all it came from the series made famous for surprise endings, Suspense. The episode is called The Hitchhiker and is from early in the series. A man, played by Orson Wells, has a frightening drive across the U.S. being chased by… well you will just have to see. Our story was episode #11 of Suspense and first aired on June 9, 1942.