May 21, 2013
On this
week’s program we have a great Sci-Fi story from the old time radio
program Dimension
Also we will talk about some of the early origins of
Fiction. Who was the first? I
guess I what it probably boils down to be is your point of view
rather than any one work of fiction.
Dimension X was first heard on NBC April 8, 1950 and ran only two
seasons. It is odd when it comes down to it. There just were not
that many Sci-Fi series or stories to come out of the golden age of
radio. You would think that it would be the perfect medium for the
air waves. But until the premiere of Dimension X -- a full two
decades after network radio was established -- there were no major
science fiction series of broad appeal to adults.
The tale we have comes from the extensive works and talents
of Kurt Vonnegut
He was an American writer known for his blend of satire, gallows
humor, and of course science fiction. The story is called, “The
Report on the Barnhouse Effect” and is as potent today as it was
when it first aired on Dimension X on April 22,